Workplace Health & Safety

WH&S at QCA’s print media studios

Griffith University is committed to providing safe working environments. To meet WH&S obligations staff members responsible for learning activities will ensure as far as reasonably practical that those activities are safe. To achieve this WH&S working procedures have been established for the QCA print studios that are designed to reduce the risks associated with working in these studios to safe levels.

All staff, students and visitors working in these studios have an obligation to ensure their own safety and that their actions do not adversely affect the safety of other studio users. Adopting the print studio WH&S procedures is critical for the safety of all of those who use the studios, and access to the studios is conditional on you accepting responsibility to work within these procedures.

The first and fundamental working procedure is,

            Access to the studios equipment and materials provided in them is only offered after,

            - you complete the “QCA Print Studios Basic WH&S Induction”,
            - you agreed to adopt the print studio WH&S procedures &
            - you complete the inductions for the procedures you need to adopt.

Completing the “QCA print studios basic WH&S induction” is a requirement for all other QCA print studios inductions. Once you have completed it you will be free to access the studios as you need and to attend any other QCA print studios WH&S inductions. QCA Technical Services offer the basic induction at regular times through the academic year. You can make a booking to attend an induction with the Printmaking Technical Officer.

NB Breeching a WH&S procedure may / will require you to repeat an induction before you can access the related process, material or equipment again.